Jerry Tjiputra
Leader: Jerry Tjiputra
To ensure a smooth and well coordinated operation of the project, including the delivery of project reports, finances overview, project meetings and travels. To provide a discussion forum between scientists within the project and with the general public and facilitate interaction with relevant national/international scientific community.
Description of work
Task 0.1 Manage the day-to-day project operation. Oversee that the task plan is followed accordingly in all WPs and take responsibility for making new plan when there is any deviations. Communicate any changes in project plan to the research council. Facilitate smooth cooperation between project partners and handle potential conflicts. Organize annual reporting and project meetings, where international collaborators will be invited.
Task 0.2 Develop a communication channel between CMIP6 modellers and scientists in the project. Present the project description and plan to the climate modeling community at the international conference (American/European Geosciences Union annual meetings –AGU/EGU, H2020-CRESCENDO general assembly meeting, and relevant CMIP6 workshops). Develop project website at project start with information on news, progress, and publications of the project.
Task 0.3 Coordinate targeted dissemination activities. Coordinate scientific presentations on relevant international conferences such as the 4th International Conference on Earth System Modeling and the Community Earth System Model Annual meeting. Arrange a model evaluation workshop at H2020-CRESCENDO project meeting with participations from key European ESM developers. Organize and convene project-relevant sessions at EGU/AGU/Ocean Sciences Meetings.
Task 0.4. Perform mid-term and final project evaluation. Evaluate scientific progress, budget consumption, and address any issues during the first and second halves of the project period. Based on the key findings from the project, in the second half of the project period, WP0 will explore the possibility of developing an ERC (European Research Council) proposal as a follow up activity, with submission targeted for the end of the project.